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Planet Eclipse Etha - High End Paintball Gun

The game of Eclipse, also known as Planet Eclipse, is a modification of the classic game of Paintball. It is a futuristic version that puts players in the shoes of an extreme team of commando forces fighting against an onslaught of Cyber Command troops. There are a number of modifications that can be made to the normal paintball game and this is what has made the game such a hit with players. One of these changes is the inclusion of the LV1 gun. This is a high powered weapon capable of firing not only one but multiple shells at enemies on the ground.

The LV1 is used mainly by the support team and is often seen using either its machine guns or its heavy duty gun against the opposing teams' assault rifles. Although it is heavily armed, the main weakness of the weapon is that it is very inaccurate. As a result, players often use paintball guns that are more accurate, firing at a greater rate of speed and have a lot more power.

The most common type of weapon used by the support team in the game of Eclipse is the Etek 170r paintball marker. The name of the product itself refers to its weighty nature. This is a small portable paintball gun that looks similar to a fully automatic weapon. The gun's magazine clip features an integrated spring system and allows for the user to keep on shooting even after the magazine is empty. In addition, the magazine clip's tension control allows it to be adjusted easily for both the distance and the time the gun must be fired.

To fire a LIVA-series marker, players need to insert a new spring into the magazine. This is done by moving the bolt handle in either direction. After doing so, the marker is ready to fire. For this reason, some newer versions of the LIVA-series paintball guns have been designed with safety features that limit the amount of energy that the user can accumulate. This is achieved by automatically locking the bolt back after each firing.

For those interested in acquiring a good marker that is portable, there is a model available from the popular online store Planet Eclipse. Among the highlights of this product is the fact that the gun has an extremely large magazine clip and can hold up to 400 pellets at a time. This allows players to have plenty of options when playing on different terrain types. One model in particular features a new level grip frame and a high quality two-piece trigger.

Other models from the Eclipse range feature the same powerful two-piece trigger system, but also feature the new world geometry which is called the "Borexis." This geometry is located in the buttock area of the markers and provides users with a comfortable fit and great accuracy for long range shots. Other notable features include the stainless steel frame and easy cleaning operations.

If you are looking for a paintball gun that features high-end performance at an affordable price, the Eclipse Company makes an excellent product. The planet Eclipse line of products has gained high reviews from professional paintball players and non-professional players alike. The company touts the construction of their Geo models as one of their best sellers. The Eclipse ACE is a popular model that is equipped with high-end features and a comfortable grip. Another popular model in the ACE line is the Eclipse Fortius.

Players should be aware that the price of the World Eclipse line of paintball markers can be quite steep. Some stores offer great discounts on these models. However, if the player is interested in saving money, they may want to consider buying second hand equipment. Top-rated products together with BestReviewsTips There are several online stores that sell used paintball gear. Many times these second hand guns are still in excellent condition. The only drawback with buying second hand paintball gear is that players may not get the most current upgrades available on the market for their gun.
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